Sports and Athlete Recruitment
While colleges will certainly have to adjust how they go about identifying and admitting a racially diverse class should the Supreme Court, as widely expected, make race-conscious college admissions illegal, it is doubtful that niche sports recruitment will be axed as a result.
Varsity sports played at the top colleges also offer great opportunities for athlete recruitment….
NCAA athletes formed an average of 8% of undergraduate enrollment at the highly selective colleges in 2021/2022.
High school students who excel in an NCAA sport are positioned to gain priority admission as athlete recruits to highly selective colleges
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The are many parallels between squash and fencing at the college level………Both sports are highly concentrated in the highly selective colleges.
Basics of Athlete Recruitment
There is a clear competition and ranking structure that tracks a junior players progress…..
The 31 highly selective colleges in NCAA Division 1 include the 8 Ivy League colleges plus 23 more colleges with acceptance rates below 25%.
While the general process remains the same, the profile of athlete recruited to each college can vary quite significantly.
There are 29 highly selective colleges in NCAA Division 3 out of a total of 438 colleges in Division 3. 20 of them are elite liberals arts colleges,….
Athlete recruitment to a highly selective college in NCAA Division 3 is a much simpler and more relaxed process …
NCAA athletes formed an average of 8% of undergraduate enrollment at the highly selective colleges in 2021/2022.
Whether a highly selective college is a NCAA Division 1 member recruiting a majority of its sports team,…..
High school students who excel in an NCAA sport are positioned to gain priority admission as athlete recruits to highly selective colleges
NCAA and Varsity Sports at the Top Colleges (includes all 45 sports)
All NCAA and Varsity Sports Played at the Top 61 Colleges
NCAA and Varsity Rules covering all Sports at Top Colleges
Comparative Opportunities for Athlete Recruitment between Squash and Fencing
The are many parallels between squash and fencing at the college level………Both sports are highly concentrated in the highly selective colleges.
For a high school student aspiring to attend a highly selective college, playing an NCAA sport is potentially one way to stand out…